Blood Draws: Prepare For Your Blood Tests With These Tips

If your doctor orders blood draws or tests to determine the cause of your ailment, you may worry about the process and whether or not it's worth the effort. Although blood testing may seem frightening to some, it can help diagnose bacterial infections, high blood sugar, and other serious conditions that affect your health. To make your blood draws more tolerable, follow the preparation tips below.

Find Ways to Sleep Well

If you stay up at night worrying about your upcoming blood tests, find ways to calm your nerves and ease your stress. Stress-related insomnia occurs when you constantly worry about something at night, such as your upcoming blood draws. You may spend many hours of the night focusing on your tests instead of getting the rest your body needs to overcome your ailment. If your body doesn't receive enough rest, it can eventually experience other health problems, including heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and muscle tension. 

Some adults drink tea or warm milk to overcome their stress-related insomnia. Tea and milk may contain natural chemicals that may help your brain produce the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. A number of other adults take up yoga and other stress-reducing exercises to help them rest better. These types of exercises relax the muscles in your shoulders, neck, and other body areas. 

If you still can't relax enough to sleep at night, speak to a family doctor right away.

Speak to a Doctor

Depending on your overall health, a family doctor may be able to prescribe you light sedatives or sleep aids to help you overcome your worry and insomnia. Sedatives are designed to calm the chemicals inside your brain that trigger stress and worry. Some types of sedatives also relax your muscles so that you rest more soundly at night. Sedatives can make some people feel drowsy or lethargic, so be aware of these side effects when you speak to a physician.

A doctor may also go over your tests and explain how they work. You may appreciate the information, especially if you fear needles or the idea of being pricked by needles. Although the needles used to prick or pierce the skin may sting a bit, the pain is typically short-lived. Most adults don't experience any problems during their blood tests. If you do experience any discomfort, a doctor can apply a topical anesthetic to your skin to numb it. 

For more ways to calm your fears, contact a family doctor right away.

About Me

Preparing for a Stem Cell Transplant

About six months ago, my wonderful father discovered he had an aggressive form of lymphoma. At this time, his doctor informed him he would need to undergo six rounds of chemotherapy. My dad’s physician also told him he would need to have a stem cell transplant immediately after he completed the chemotherapy. To prepare for the stem cell transplant, my father was put on a special diet. His doctor recommended he eat a lot of protein. My dad was also told to drink plenty of water and exercise regularly. On this blog, I hope you will learn smart tips to help you or one of your loved ones prepare for a stem cell transplant. Enjoy!


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