Recovering From Your Oral Surgery

Oral surgery can be necessary for correcting health problems, injuries, and even cosmetic reasons. When a person undergoes oral surgery, the recovery period can be critical, and patients will need to actively tend to the surgery site.

Use Any Sanitizing Mouthwash That May Be Provided

It is common for oral surgery patients to be prescribed mouthwashes that can be used to reduce the risk of an infection developing at the surgery site. Unfortunately, there are patients that may not be as diligent as necessary when it comes to using these products. Depending on the size of the surgery site and the issue that was being corrected, individuals may need to use these mouthwashes several times throughout the day. This is due to the rapid rate at which bacteria is able to develop in the patient's mouth.

Be Careful When Brushing Your Teeth Following The Surgery

While it is essential to keep your mouth clean when recovering from oral surgery, you have to be careful to avoid disturbing the surgery site. This could result in the scab being removed, which could significantly slow the recovery time. Furthermore, the toothbrush or other cleaning tool could actually introduce a large number of bacteria into the wound, which will greatly increase the prospects of developing a painful and serious infection. Luckily, oral wounds heal rapidly, and most people will find that this threat will rapidly deteriorate in the days following the oral surgery procedure.

Avoid Chewing On The Side That Underwent Surgery

Switching to soft foods for the duration of the recovery will be necessary to allow the gum tissue to heal more quickly and to keep food particles out of it. However, you may also want to chew on the opposite side as much as possible. While this may not be as comfortable and can leave your jaw tired, it will further reduce the risk of food getting in the wound or the wound being opened by the food. In cases where the oral surgery involved the removal of a tooth, the patient should also be mindful of the drinks that they are consuming. Drinking through a straw can lead to dry sockets forming, and consuming carbonated beverages may be abrasive to the wound. Your oral surgeon will help to explain any dietary restrictions that may be in place following the surgery, and you should comply with these restrictions as closely as possible to help your recovery.

For more information, contact a company like Lighthouse Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

About Me

Preparing for a Stem Cell Transplant

About six months ago, my wonderful father discovered he had an aggressive form of lymphoma. At this time, his doctor informed him he would need to undergo six rounds of chemotherapy. My dad’s physician also told him he would need to have a stem cell transplant immediately after he completed the chemotherapy. To prepare for the stem cell transplant, my father was put on a special diet. His doctor recommended he eat a lot of protein. My dad was also told to drink plenty of water and exercise regularly. On this blog, I hope you will learn smart tips to help you or one of your loved ones prepare for a stem cell transplant. Enjoy!


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