When providing dementia and/or Alzheimer's care for your elderly loved one, it is crucial to ensure they are in a safe and supportive environment where their needs are met and there is a low risk of injury. Making sure their home is designed to meet all of their needs will make their life safer and easier. To help reduce the risk of injuries, here are a few tips to help ensure their home is safe.
- Breast augmentation is the single most popular plastic surgery option in the United States, with close to 300,000 patients choosing it each year. The procedure, however, entails a lot more than simply putting in an implant. Learning about these four issues involving breast augmentation surgeries will help you make a better-informed decision. Options There are two common types of implants used for augmentations: silicon and saline. Silicon is considered to have a more natural feel, and it's especially recommended for skinnier or smaller people.
- Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that is generally considered to be caused by low levels of dopamine, which is an important neurotransmitter in the brain. Although there is no cure, a combination of treatment approaches can reduce the symptoms of PD. 1. Medication Levodopa is by far the most commonly used medication in the treatment of PD. This medication helps increase the amount of dopamine available to the brain and can reduce undesirable motor symptoms.
- If you own a healthcare company, you need to do what you can to keep you and your employees safe. To help with this, you can hire a behavioral health risk management company to help you. Below are two benefits that hiring this type of company will offer you and your employees. Teach About Diet and Exercise Being overweight is unhealthy and because you own a healthcare company you want people to be healthy.
- Getting a proper diagnosis can be extremely difficult for some people who have certain medical conditions that cause a wide range of symptoms, some of which can be debilitating. One of the things that a primary care physician will order is a complete blood workup to try to find a cause. When a blood workup finds that a patient is deficient in certain vitamins, such as choline, folate, riboflavin, and vitamins B-6 and B-12, the physician should send the individual for genetic testing to see if they have what is called MTHFR.